September 26, 2010

17 weeks baby

September 24, 2010

Adorable baby shoes have the power to make anyone's day better.

September 21, 2010

16 weeks

I've noticed such a difference in the bump this week- so I decided to get brave with it and post a bare belly picture too.
My belly is much bigger and more firm this week. Heartburn has also kicked into high gear just today, and I can't really remember what it's like to sleep a full night. This pregnant body keeps me up most of the night.

but I couldn't be happier <3
Cloth Diapers
Not only are they absolutely adorable on a baby bum, but there are a few other reasons we plan on cloth diapering.

Cloth diapers are cheaper than disposable diapers. Most parents spend an average of $3000 on disposables before your child is potty trained. With the newer-age cloth diapers you will spend an average of $800 for enough to last you until potty trained. That's a huge savings. There are also several places where you can sell your used cloth diapers, or save them if you plan to have another baby.

Cloth diapers are better for our environment. A single disposable diaper takes 300-500 years to decompose in a landfill. In the U.S. there are about 18 BILLION disposables used a year, that's an ugly picture! The idea of a "disposable diaper" is defiantly a myth.

Just to mention a couple other reasons- There are so many chemicals used in disposables, you can look those up and read about it! I've also read that cloth diaper babies on average are potty trained a year earlier than babies in disposables.

All of this added up leaves us with the obvious choice to use cloth diapers:)

So far we are registered for the Bumgenius 4.0 diapers (shown above) and the Flip one size diaper. Once we actually start the cloth diapering process I will post about our experience.

September 18, 2010

We started our baby registry today! So much fun :)
Proud Daddy-to-be had fun with the scanning while I marked off our checklist. We still have so much to add, but knocked out plenty and got our ideas for finishing once we find out the gender.

Ah, lovely day! <3 It was so exciting to decide on our baby items together and imagine actually using them once our sweet baby arrives.

September 16, 2010

With patience being something you have to accept rather you like it or not, I really wish it would come in an easier package. I've been counting down the days all month, waiting for September 30th to arrive. The day we'll find out if we are having a son or a daughter. The feeling is something I can't really describe, finding out the gender brings an entirely new bond with our baby.

I already have colors and so many other things picked out for both genders. We have our names chosen, but I guess the wait is a good thing since we still need to decide if we will announce the name along with the gender, or if we want to wait until the birth and meeting our baby. I can't wait for September to come to an end, we will be celebrating my 21st birthday and the gender reveal party together with family and friends. Good food and pretty reveal cupcakes waiting for dessert. Although I won't be ordering my first drink on my own, this will defiantly be the best birthday ever.

I'm hoping to take on some new handmade projects and start sewing a lot of our baby's items as soon as the gender is confirmed. I should have a few of those things to post sometime in October.

So many things have been changing for us and playing out perfectly since finding out I was pregnant in late June, this has been one life changing  journey for sure<3

September 13, 2010

We spent Saturday evening celebrating the marriage of my oldest brother Mark to his longtime girlfriend of 7 years, Lynzi. The entire day was so much fun and the Wedding itself was gorgeous.
My handsome man & I. He had the honor of officiating the marriage, (his first time) and I was so proud of him! He did such an awesome job and so many guests stopped to tell us so all throughout the evening.

The Bride & Groom dancing.

Her bouquet was so beautiful and unique. Covered in special charms and pictures from both of their parents and grandparents wedding days.

This is by far the best groom's cake ever. The picture speaks for itself!

The beautiful Bride- my new sister. She is such a lovely soul and I couldn't be happier to have her as a permanent part of our family now.

The night ended with the bride and groom riding off on a red scooter and they are now off spending their honeymoon in Jamaica, the first time my brother has ever agreed to step foot onto an airplane and probably the last.


September 9, 2010

15 weeks!

This Baby bird is defiantly growing. I can't wait to see our next ultrasound on the 30th, the day after my birthday! What a great gift, and we should be finding out the gender that day if our sweet little baby cooperates.

After our photo shoot day was ruined by the tropical storm rains, I decided this evening I needed to take what I can get and busted out the camera for a self portrait. Let me just say, it was a pretty difficult thing to attempt with this heavy camera. Along with the fact that I've never been a fan of taking pictures of myself, so it took a few tries and this is what we get:). Anyway, this weekend we are excited to be celebrating a new sister-in-law at my oldest brother's wedding, so there will be plenty of pictures to come from the night!

September 3, 2010

2010 Bumbleride Indie Seagrass.

I've been obsessed with this beauty for some time, and after plenty of research it's still my number one pick. I love the seagrass color, boy or girl.

Although we plan on rocking the ERGO baby carrier as well, I'm sure this stroller will come in handy much of the time. We plan on doing a lot of outdoor exploring with our baby.

Goodness, deciding on baby items...