September 9, 2010

15 weeks!

This Baby bird is defiantly growing. I can't wait to see our next ultrasound on the 30th, the day after my birthday! What a great gift, and we should be finding out the gender that day if our sweet little baby cooperates.

After our photo shoot day was ruined by the tropical storm rains, I decided this evening I needed to take what I can get and busted out the camera for a self portrait. Let me just say, it was a pretty difficult thing to attempt with this heavy camera. Along with the fact that I've never been a fan of taking pictures of myself, so it took a few tries and this is what we get:). Anyway, this weekend we are excited to be celebrating a new sister-in-law at my oldest brother's wedding, so there will be plenty of pictures to come from the night!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh my cute. I take pictures with my Mac, haha, so these are wayyy better. lol
