September 21, 2010

Cloth Diapers
Not only are they absolutely adorable on a baby bum, but there are a few other reasons we plan on cloth diapering.

Cloth diapers are cheaper than disposable diapers. Most parents spend an average of $3000 on disposables before your child is potty trained. With the newer-age cloth diapers you will spend an average of $800 for enough to last you until potty trained. That's a huge savings. There are also several places where you can sell your used cloth diapers, or save them if you plan to have another baby.

Cloth diapers are better for our environment. A single disposable diaper takes 300-500 years to decompose in a landfill. In the U.S. there are about 18 BILLION disposables used a year, that's an ugly picture! The idea of a "disposable diaper" is defiantly a myth.

Just to mention a couple other reasons- There are so many chemicals used in disposables, you can look those up and read about it! I've also read that cloth diaper babies on average are potty trained a year earlier than babies in disposables.

All of this added up leaves us with the obvious choice to use cloth diapers:)

So far we are registered for the Bumgenius 4.0 diapers (shown above) and the Flip one size diaper. Once we actually start the cloth diapering process I will post about our experience.


  1. Anna just sent me a ton of info on all this stuff. I think we're going cloth too, but we'll probably start off with disposable for the first few days until the meconium passes.

  2. aww Yay! I got some info from Anna a while back too. I've read really good reviews from other first time moms who have used cloth so I'm excited:) We will use disposables at first too because I know it takes a little time for baby to grow into them, they have newborn cloth but I don't want to get into buying that since they would be used for such a short period of time.
    The cuteness of the cloth seriously kills me lol.
