Pregnancy Timeline
- 3/8/2011- Our son is born <3
- 3/7/2011- Appointment
- 3/4/2011- DUE DATE! :)
- 3/3/2011- 40 week appointment
- 2/24/2011- 12th Appt. (39weeks)
- 2/17/2011- 11th Appt. (38weeks)
- 2/8/2011- 10th Appt. (36weeks)
- 2/12/11 Braxton Hicks Contractions intensifying
- 1/29/2011- (35weeks) Our Baby Shower!
- 1/26/2011- 9th Appt. (34weeks) & 4th/final birth class
- 1/23/2011- (34weeks) Maternity Pictures
- 1/19/2011- (33 weeks) 3rd birth class
- 1/12/2011- 8th Appt. (32weeks) Baby boy is head down & leaving my upper belly sore and bruised with his long legs. & 2nd birth class
- 1/9/2011- (32 weeks) Felt Isaac's hiccups <3
- 1/5/2011- First of four birth classes. (31weeks)
- 12/28/2010- 7th Appt. (30weeks)
- 12/14/2010- 6th Appt.(28weeks)
- 12/5/2010- (27weeks) Finished knitting diaper bag
- 11/16/2010- (24weeks) We started seeing Isaac move through my belly
- 10/28/2010- 5th Appt.(22weeks) Everything is great
- 10/26/2010- (21weeks) Matt felt our boy kick for the first time <3
- 9/30/2010- 4th Appt.(18weeks) Anatomy ultrasound. Celebrated my birthday & found out we are having a baby boy!! ISAAC PIERCE
- 9/3/2010- 3rd Appt.(14 weeks) Listened to heartbeat
- 8/6/2010- 2nd Appt.(10weeks) Saw baby & listened to heartbeat again
- 7/13/2010- First Appt.(6w4d) Saw our baby & heartbeat for the first time
- 6/23/2010- Positive Pregnancy Test <3