December 24, 2011

The other day I put my little pom pom makers to work for the first time and added a bit of homemade love to a few of the gifts under our tree. If you still make pom poms the old fashioned way, please look into these. They are inexpensive and SO much quicker/easier. I love the difference these little guys made. ;)

December 9, 2011

Isaac: 9 months

My baby boy turned NINE MONTHS OLD last thursday. He has changed quite a bit over the past month and is such a big boy now. He seems to understand things on a completely different level now. Isaac is so funny & keeps us laughing constantly.
He has started to walk across the house with this little walker that scares the life out of me since we have hard wood floors.

My sweet boy has two tiny bottom teeth, and four teeth ready to emerge on top!
He is crazy about food and wants to eat everything he sees.
He also had his first taste of dog food this month and really enjoyed it. He is constantly trying to sneak his way back to the dog food bowls.
He also has a little obsession with buttons & loves pulling up on the entertainment center to push every single one in sight!
Isaac's vocabulary now consists of mama & dada. The other day we got him to say bye-bye a couple of times before Matt left for work, but he hasn't said it since.
(Isaac eating my Avocado lunch the other day) 

This is such an exciting month for us since it will be my baby's first Christmas! He may end up being more interested in eating the wrapping paper than playing with his gifts, but I still can't wait to wake my sweet boy up Christmas morning and gather around the tree as a family.
Teaching Isaac about giving is something really important to us. Although he won't understand it for a while, we have planned to start making donations to different organizations throughout each year. I really look forward to the years that he is able to help me shop for and donate gifts to other children, drop off handmade kiddo blankets, bake cookies to donate, and other precious things that will always stick with him.

We have Isaac's 9 month checkup on Thursday and I'm so excited to see how my big boy is doing. I will add those updates after the appointment ;)

December 7, 2011

Isaac and Santa

My son isn't exactly keen on being held by many strangers, especially men, so as we sat in the 2 hour Santa line I fully expected his first Christmas picture with Santa to be a total melt down. I think he was just so tried by the time we made it to Santa, that he didn't really care at that point. We couldn't get a smile out of him, but regardless, he wasn't screaming for his mama or dada.
I've always thought pictures with Santa were a little weird, waiting in lines and paying high prices to have a quick snapshot of your child with some random old man... but as a parent I feel drawn into these silly traditions now. And I have to say it will be pretty exciting to compare the pictures each year! 

So here is my sweet boy in his first cheesy Christmas picture with Santa!

November 29, 2011

I know these are pretty late, now that we are in December and the focus is on Christmas and all, but how could I not post these pictures of my adorable boy's first Thanksgiving? We had a great day filled with family and too much delicious food.

November 11, 2011

My heart is full

Something so special happened today.
This morning Isaac and I were hanging out in his room when he looked right over at me and said MOM.
I freaked out in squeals and laughter, ran over and gave him a big kiss! He then followed up with repeating "momom" several times, and has now spent the day repeating variations of the two! So sweet people, so sweet.

I don't think it's possible for this boy of mine to be any more magical.
He may or may not know what it means just yet, but it's still so amazing to me.

In other news, Isaac decided he would prefer to crawl around on his hands and knees today, rather than army crawl everywhere!


November 8, 2011

Isaac: 8 months

I can't believe I'm already writing an 8 month post for my little dude. I feel like his first birthday is so close now, and I can't wait to celebrate my sweet boy's first year of life!

Holy goodness, this child has gone through a crazy amount of change over the past month. I would literally wake up and send out texts about how grown my baby is compared to the day before.
He is EVERYWHERE. The boy can army crawl at an alarming speed. He doesn't seem interested in crawling on his knees since we have wood floors and he slides so quick and easy, so I think he is pretty content with that. When we are somewhere that has carpet, he crawls on his knees.

One day I put Isaac in his crib to play while I cleaned up his room and put away laundry, he started giggling and I turned around to find him standing up! oh my goodness. Now his main goal each day is finding something, anything, that he can use to pull himself up on. He flips over toy baskets, uses bookshelves, and the sofa! The boy has also had quite a few wipe outs when he gets too excited and lets go. These have made for several heart attacks for me.

(first time standing up)

(He crawled over to his little rocking chair & pulled himself up
to get his bear! So sweet.)

(It's become nearly impossible to photograph my boy, he
is always a moving blur these days!)

Our days are suddenly much more busy and active, but this age is amazing. I'm sure it only gets better!
Isaac has also had two little bottom teeth finally cut through!
Bath time is his favorite time ;) He does the same happy naked dance every day before getting in the tub, and it fills us both with laughter every single time.

Happy 8 months, my little love!

November 3, 2011


I'm really not that into Halloween. At all.
But now that I have a kiddo I need to step up my game. With Isaac barely turning 8 months old, I took advantage of this being my last year to sort of slack.
Halloween day I ran into Party City(madhouse) and bought a few decorations all 50% off... I set up a little area at our house for any trick-or-treaters who may stop by since we wouldn't be home to hand out treats.
Instead of strolling the streets with our little Dinosaur, we took him to a fall festival and had a really good time!

October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We took Isaac to a small pumpkin patch yesterday.
My sweet boy loved every minute of checking out the pumpkins and grass!
I'm thinking we will visit a bigger one next year when Isaac will be old enough to more enjoy pony rides, corn mazes, and hay rides ;)

I love Fall! Just can't wait for the cool weather to stick around.