November 8, 2011

Isaac: 8 months

I can't believe I'm already writing an 8 month post for my little dude. I feel like his first birthday is so close now, and I can't wait to celebrate my sweet boy's first year of life!

Holy goodness, this child has gone through a crazy amount of change over the past month. I would literally wake up and send out texts about how grown my baby is compared to the day before.
He is EVERYWHERE. The boy can army crawl at an alarming speed. He doesn't seem interested in crawling on his knees since we have wood floors and he slides so quick and easy, so I think he is pretty content with that. When we are somewhere that has carpet, he crawls on his knees.

One day I put Isaac in his crib to play while I cleaned up his room and put away laundry, he started giggling and I turned around to find him standing up! oh my goodness. Now his main goal each day is finding something, anything, that he can use to pull himself up on. He flips over toy baskets, uses bookshelves, and the sofa! The boy has also had quite a few wipe outs when he gets too excited and lets go. These have made for several heart attacks for me.

(first time standing up)

(He crawled over to his little rocking chair & pulled himself up
to get his bear! So sweet.)

(It's become nearly impossible to photograph my boy, he
is always a moving blur these days!)

Our days are suddenly much more busy and active, but this age is amazing. I'm sure it only gets better!
Isaac has also had two little bottom teeth finally cut through!
Bath time is his favorite time ;) He does the same happy naked dance every day before getting in the tub, and it fills us both with laughter every single time.

Happy 8 months, my little love!

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