March 12, 2012

Isaac: 12 months

I have a one year old! My baby had his first birthday last thursday, March 8th.
Having a one year old is pretty much amazing. It has been the greatest blessing to become a mama and see my darling boy grow and learn. Before his birthday I rocked my sweet boy in the dark of his room while my mind flashed through the many memories of this past year, and I could hardly believe the fact that we are here... at the one year mark. The greatest year of my life. Of course this year has passed us by far too quickly, but I wouldn't trade this place we are at for anything.

It was a sweet first birthday for my little love.
Isaac slept in, but once he woke he had a late breakfast and we took his very first trip to the zoo! We were anticipating rain on his birthday and I wasn't thrilled about having my birthday boy stuck inside the house all day, but thankfully the rain held off just long enough for us to enjoy a few hours out exploring animals. He loved the lions! Im sure he was thinking it was a big cuddly puppy dog. They were the most active, pacing around and coming right up to the glass.
After an evening nap, I took him for a little birthday treat of frozen yogurt! Once getting back home my family came over to love on him for a while. And he ended the night with a bath and snuggles from dada.

Here are a few photos from my boy's special day.

Having a 12 month old is already blowing my mind, it's like he just woke up a toddler instead of a baby. How does he keep learning overnight, while sleeping?! His hilarious personality and loving little self continue to melt my heart daily. There are too many things I could list, but my favorite part of having a one year old?.. He comes walking up to hug me throughout the day, and sometimes he just wants to lay his head on me and snuggle while he rests for a bit.

March 8th was a good day indeed, this year and last.

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