February 9, 2012

Isaac: 11 months

As I was rocking Isaac to sleep in his room last night, I was thinking of his first birthday being just a few short weeks away. My mind was completely blown that the tiny baby I carried in my belly is already so big. How did we get to this place in what feels like the blink of an eye? I am filled with so much joy at the thought of celebrating my sweet boy's first year next month, but it really is unbelievable how quickly time has gone by.
This little man is learning more each day. So full of energy and giggles, with a little side of attitude. :)
He is wild about food. WILD. The moment he sees you getting his meal ready, he is squealing and making noises that I can only assume are similar to a hungry dinosaur. And while he is feeding himself, he still insists on having bites of our food as well. He will take all that he can get in the food department.

He is walking all over the place with the help of toys, laundry baskets, boxes, walls, the vacuum cleaner, anything he sees to use! And just recently when he is in a silly mood he will run down the side of the couch and let go for a few steps. He loves standing on his own and dancing or clapping for a few minutes before plopping onto his booty.

Also, he now says "Ow!" when hurting himself, so darn cute.

(A little photo overload on Isaac's mad piano skills)

Happy 11 months baby boy!

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