January 13, 2012

Isaac: 10 months

My little man turned 10 months old last week. This seems like such a big number to me.. maybe because it's no longer in the single digits? His personality is still blooming, and it's such a beautiful thing to watch the changes he is constantly going through. Always learning something new, and making me smile at his wild little self.
Isaac currently has four teeth, two on top and two on bottom, with two more on top following close behind! He loves his puppies and has so much fun chasing, pulling, and scaring them. :)
He's officially getting into every cabinet in the kitchen and bathroom, so it's time for us to do a little more baby proofing. He also loves trying to take his shirt off, but only managing to tangle himself in it.
He cruises all over the place with his little walker, but still prefers crawling.
My boy LOVES food. Feeding him solids is a difficult task these days because he totally prefers finger foods that he can feed himself. He makes a "mmm, mmmm" noise each time he puts something in his mouth, and it's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
I can't believe we are so close to celebrating his first birthday! I'm soaking up each day with my baby boy.

Happy 10 months my angel love!

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