October 9, 2011

Isaac: 7 months

His first taste of food!
We celebrated my baby boy's seven month birthday this past saturday, he had his first taste of food and loved it! Matt and I have been talking about this day for months. Wondering what Isaac would think of food, would he like it or not? I bought a baby bullet a few months ago so that we could make and store fresh baby food for him. I have only used it once but so far I really love it! I can't wait to make all sorts of yummy things for Isaac to try.
We decided to wait a little longer than typical to start feeding solids since there really isn't a rush with him being breastfed. I was still a little hesitant when the day came and considered putting it off for another month, but I knew my babe was ready ;)
Here are some photos from the big day!

 (Busted diggin' through mama's bag while waiting)

My little man was a total champ, the first few bites he had a straight face and was totally acting like this wasn't his first meal. It was such a fun and special experience!

Towards the end we got a few of these faces ;)

Other than starting solids, Isaac has changed so much over the past month. He has such an awesome little personality forming. The kid keeps me laughing all.day.long.
He is all over the place! I sit him down with a few toys and he immediately flops to his belly and makes his way across the living room. I feel like every time I turn around I'm having to take a dog toy away from him or something else he shouldn't be into, and he isn't even crawling yet! Goodness.
He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back & forth like he's getting ready to take off crawling. He also lifts himself up on his hands and toes and just looks down at 
his body, amazed at his little trick. Silly boy!
Isaac totally loves being outside. We take a few minutes throughout the day to sit in the back yard, and go for walks a few times a week. We usually walk to the park, too soon he will be ready
to stay and play! 

So much love between these two!

Happy seven months my little love!

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