September 29, 2011

another year older...

Last year I celebrated my 21st birthday by finding out I was going to be a mama to a gorgeous son. Not the typical 21st birthday celebration, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I can't believe a year has already passed since that day, geez!
I slept in with my snuggly baby boy today, we got dressed and met my mom for a late lunch, did a little shopping & then lounging at home. Once Matt got home from work we went out for a birthday dinner.

(I love cards! More than flowers, more than gifts.)

It's been a great day & this weekend will consist of birthday shopping! ;)
This past year was the best one yet, so I can't wait to see what adventures my 22nd year of life holds for my little family <3

September 26, 2011

a little video of my bookworm

I'm totally convinced that I have the sweetest baby in all the land. I never thought I would be THAT mom, but I am! I can't help it, the boy tries to kill me with his cuteness.
Isaac loves playing with books! Looking, touching, and slobbering all over them. This short little video is from Matt's phone the other day. My boy acting all grown reading a book on his own.

September 20, 2011

Isaac's 6 Month Pictures

I can't even handle it.
We took our sweet boy to a studio this evening to capture his six month stage with a few professional pictures. I have very few baby pictures of myself since our home burnt down a long time ago and all of our pictures/videos with it. So I'm a little obsessed with making sure I have plenty of my little man. If I could take him each month, I would. Thankfully I have a nice camera and snap plenty of my own, but his half birthday is pretty deserving of professionals ;)
I'm going to try not to post every last picture, but no promises. 
Here are some of my favorites!

Since I found Isaac's Halloween costume a couple weeks ago, I brought it with us and I'm totally in love with his costume pictures! So darn precious. 

September 9, 2011

Isaac: 6 months

Happy half-birthday to my Angel. 
My mind is always wandering back to those last days of my pregnancy, when I was feeling so sick and had completely convinced myself that my 4 day late baby was never going to come on out. To those first moments of meeting my sweet newborn, the little boy who changed my world forever. To those early weeks of trying to figure out motherhood and spending every hour of the day studying the gorgeous baby that is my son.  
And now I'm watching my boy squeal in delight at his daddy talking to him. My active six month old, so interested in everything going on. Always reaching out to hold any item he sees me with, so thrilled to study things before stuffing them into his gummy mouth to slobber all over. 
I couldn't be more thankful for God blessing me with such a beautiful, healthy, happy little boy. 
I just wish that time would slow down a little.

So, still no teeth for this little guy! Which I'm actually pretty thankful for. I was praying early on that Isaac would get his teeth a bit late. With the countless breastfeeding issues we have faced, I'm not really sure how long breastfeeding will be possible once little teeth arrive. Hopefully it won't be a problem at all, but I'd rather wait as long as we can before finding out.

Little man is still exclusively breastfed, I keep going back and forth on when we will start making his food, but I'm trying to wait until at least 7 months and skipping rice cereal altogether. We are so anxious to see what he thinks of food and to use our baby bullet, so I'm not sure how long we can last putting it off, but eventually I will be posting photos of Isaac's first meal ;)

He has been scooting for a few weeks now, so all naps are now taken in his crib and thankfully he has done so well with it! He loves his crib. I sit him up in it to play while I am in his room folding laundry. We are still co-sleeping at night.

My love bug keeps me laughing all the time, he is such a ham with his sweet personality and little attitude. Here are a few (or many) photos of my boy, the SIX month old ^.^

September 7, 2011

Blog Love

My Sister-in-Love is pregnant. I'm so excited that there will be another baby in our family and Isaac will have a little cousin on my side of the family. Babies are awesome. You can follow her pregnancy and other ramblings here

Speaking of babies, I added our first handmade item to the Etsy shop today. One scarf is listed for now and other color options are available made to order. This scarf is so pretty & made with love. The best part? Each purchase supports my sweet friend's adoption fund. You can read her story here.