May 6, 2011

Cloth Diapers

(Little man on Earth day wearing a BumGenius 4.0)

We pretty much have an equal stash of Bumgenius 4.0's and Flips. I honestly love both diapers, but for our family the Flips seem to have more benefits.

  • I can change the dirty insert while still using the same diaper shell. (Even more beneficial while we are out & about)
  • Flips seem to have a slimmer fit. I know most CDing moms love the big cloth diaper booty look, as do I, but the flip offers that and still allows my boy to fit into the outfits that BG diapers make too snug.
  • The Flip inserts really don't seem to stain. I still dry them in the sun for sanitary reasons, but they wash really well while the BG inserts are very stained after each use.
  • There is no "stuffing" involved which also means when I'm washing diapers, I don't have to pull the stinky insert out like I do with the BG.
(I hope that I'm making sense here)

Sun drying the stained inserts, our cloth wipes, and the covers.
I was surprised the sun literally takes out every last stain. When I have the time, I will throw the inserts and wipes in the dryer after sun drying just to fluff them up a bit.

As soon as the diaper laundry is done, I stuff the BG diapers before putting them up so that they are ready to go at each diaper change. I do love that the bumgenius diapers are easy to slap on during a diaper change while the Flip diapers require a little more attention to make sure the insert is lined up on his little bum correctly.

We have been cloth diapering for three weeks now and so far haven't had any issues with leaking, even overnight when little man will sleep long 7 hour stretches.

We defiantly still keep disposable diapers on hand (love huggies pure & natural, and also seventh generation), mainly for use while we are out of the house or incase an emergency ever comes up. And Matt prefers to use disposable wipes when he is changing diapers (can't win them all!) so we keep a small trash can next to the changing table. I just made an order today for a few more diapers to add to our stash, disposable flip inserts to try out for traveling, and a small wet bag to keep in our diaper bag so that we can cloth diaper on the go.

I use a large wetbag for dirty diapers instead of a pail, and it works well for us. I throw it in the wash with the diapers usually once a week.

The clean stash
I defiantly like having a mixture of both types of cloth diapers!

Little man in a Flip

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