December 12, 2010

28 weeks

Get ready for photo overload.

A few outfits from Daddy & I. We've been collecting tiny clothes since finding out we are having a little mister. The above is a special one to us that we ordered before knowing the gender. 

(& two outfits from Aunt Lynzi)

I'm so excited to be having a little boy, can't stop smiling at the thought.
12 weeks to go!


  1. :) yay 12 weeks to go!!! you look amazing as usual...and i love this photo overload :) this little mister is going to be quite the handsome young man!

    i love what you have picked out for him :)

  2. Ahh! My picks for lil' man made the post! :D Looove it!

    I think Isaac & I will need a lil photo shoot in the Best Auntie onesie! Haha!

  3. Oh my gosh this is all so sweet! Must be so exciting to buy baby clothes and everything!

  4. Congrats! :) A little boy. How fun! We are not finding out the sex until birth...and while I am definitely going to stick with that plan, it's harder than I thought it would be to not find out! Enjoy the next 12 weeks!

  5. Ahhh these are all too cute! And you seriously look fantastic!
