July 10, 2012


My mind has been so far from blogging these past few months. With such a busy little boy on my hands, it's the last thing on my list. But when I get the time and urge, I want to write down what little I can.
Since my boy is napping I was sitting at the computer browsing through the site I use to make photo books, and found myself going through the one I made of Isaac's first birthday. It's shocking how quickly that day arrived and is now just a sweet memory. Looking at those photos fills me with so much happiness, and a little sadness too. He was such a baby still. Now he's a wild, passionate, happy little toddler. It's a common thing to be told that time with your baby goes by so quickly before your eyes, but actually experiencing it is just unexplainable.
It's almost dizzying to take in the constant changes of my sweet baby. Each day he seems different, smarter, older, more understanding. I try my best to savor who he is at this moment.

A little about my growing boy at 16 months...
He now has 9 little teeth, that he just loves to brush after his bath each night!
He understands everything and is always thrilled to be helpful, like throwing away his banana peel and other things. Although sometimes it takes a few times of me repeating myself and walking through it with him, like when he takes a drink and then throws his cup clear across the living room and doesn't want to go pick it up.
He knows quite a few words but isn't always consistent with using them, he still prefers his own gibberish baby talk and is oh so serious while in a conversation using it.
He loves pointing out his eyes, belly button, nose, etc.
He brings me books but as I'm reading he will take over and read to me while pointing out the pictures.
He loves food, mostly fruit.
He's almost always happy with the exception of throwing a small fit over getting only one vitamin a day. He loves taking his vitamin and will ask for another throughout the day.
He still loves to dance which never fails to make us laugh. If he hears music while we are out eating or in a store, he will start to groove.
He has the best laugh.
He loves his dad, of course. When he hears him pull up and make his way to the door, he squeals and dances with the biggest smile and runs to greet him.
He is nature boy for sure. He never gets tired of being outdoors, ever.

April 10, 2012

Easter Sunday

Being a mom on holidays is the absolute best! I know it will become even more fun as my boy grows and understands them, the baking and crafts we will do together... I can hardly wait! This year for Easter we started the day at Church followed by lunch and egg hunting at my mom's home. Isaac is always happy to be outdoors running free! He doesn't understand the whole concept of egg hunting, but he was more than thrilled to carry his bucket around tossing in the eggs he would spot, and looked absolutely adorable doing so.

April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

I took Isaac to have an Easter photo taken last week, and what should have been me leaving with prints of one pose ended up being me leaving with a disc of all images. I even gave myself a pep talk before going in for his appointment, promising I would stick to the one pose deal I had a coupon for! But once I saw the images of my gorgeous boy there was no choice but to take them all. He was just such a sweetheart, I couldn't bring myself to choose only one or two. So here are a few of my favorites.

March 18, 2012

Isaac's First Birthday

My newborn is now a one year old, and I absolutely love it. This age is so awesome, he is so smart and interested in life! To celebrate my baby's first year of life, we had a small party at our home. Although I wanted to keep his party fairly simple and small, I couldn't wait to decorate and set up! I started working on decorations a few months in advance. The fabric garland hanging above the dessert table is the first thing I made. I filled pretty glass jars with blue and red candy, and framed a few of his one year photos. We went back and forth on just having cupcakes, or ordering a big cake.. In the end I am so happy we went with the cake from a local woman who bakes out of her home. The cake was so pretty and exactly what I had wanted, she did a great job! I'm a little sad it's gone. I had ordered a few cupcake toppers months prior, so although we had more than enough cake, my full term sister-in-law was still sweet enough to bake a batch of Reese's cupcakes for my boy's party, so that I could use my toppers. ;)
For the "1" canvas I just made a few pompom's and hot glued them on.

 This little hat was the most difficult thing I had to make, it took a lot of trial and error, but it ended up coming out so pretty! The only problem is that my boy did not like to wear it! I would try putting it on him weeks before the party and he wasn't having it, same thing the day of his party! But it was still pretty cute.
 This red and blue banner is made with wool felt and burlap. It's my favorite party decoration I made, and it's now hanging over Isaac's crib. I love it! The felt pieces are sewn on with a pretty zigzag stitch, and the banner is threaded with red and white twine.

 This sweet "Happy Birthday" banner was ordered from Bekah Jennings Etsy shop, It's well made so I hope to use it each year for birthdays!

 The highchair banner and fruit cup wrappers were made with my silhouette cameo machine.
I had Isaac's shirt made at a local screen printing shop called Artistic Stitches, it turned out perfect!

My baby had a lot of cake to eat! I thought it would be a little hard to watch him dig into a big sugary cake, but I loved it. He will just have to wait until his next birthday before experiencing something like that again. :)

It was a great day. My baby was in a really good mood throughout the party and really enjoyed it all.
Happy First Birthday, my darling boy!