June 7, 2011

Isaac: 3 months

I have a three month old.
I keep saying it, but I still can't believe it. The boy has grown so much from that tiny newborn that used to sleep so peacefully on my chest. Although it's a bittersweet feeling to see my little boy growing so quickly, It's such a blessing to see his personality developing. 
When Isaac was a newborn he was such a peaceful, easy baby. I kept waiting for my luck to run out but he is still the same. He will occasionally fuss when he wants your full attention, but he never cries unless he is really hungry. But oh my, when the boy wants to eat he won't give me a minute. He wants his food and he wants it quick. And speaking of food, we are still exclusively breastfeeding despite so many obstacles. I remember praying and daydreaming in those early weeks of making it to three months and just how thankful I would be. Here we are. Isaac has lip-tie so breastfeeding still isn't smooth sailing for us & most likely never will be, but our next goal is six months.
I don't have all of Isaac's current stats but I did have an appointment today at the birth center where he was born so asked if they would weigh him, the boy is 14 pounds and 10 ounces & wearing 9 month clothing.
We are still co-sleeping and I'm planning to maybe move Isaac to his crib around 6-8 months. Once that time gets closer I will start with putting him in his crib for day naps rather than our bed, and eventually try out a night. Praise God that this little boy loves his sleep just like his parents. He sleeps at least 8 hours at night. During my pregnancy I thought bed-sharing was something I really wasn't interested in, but that changed quickly after he was born and it is honestly one of my favorite things. I love snuggling up to my sweet boy and watching him sleep so peacefully before I doze off myself. Once Isaac wakes in the morning he just talks to himself until it wakes me up, and that brings on the giggles! It's the sweetest thing ever.
Little man discovered his hands a few weeks ago and thinks they are way too tasty. I'm constantly pulling them out of his mouth all day long but he loves to gnaw on them. He has also started grabbing onto his thighs so I'm sure it won't be long before he tries out a foot too. He has learned how to pull on one of his hanging bouncer toys to make it sing and stares in awe each time he gets it. This little boy is so talkative and spends most of his awake time babbling. He is always so full of giggles too and oh my goodness, he has the most beautiful smile! But he makes it a little difficult to catch because he turns serious when he sees the camera unless you sneak it to the side where he isn't looking. hahh!

Sometimes it's still a little hard to believe how blessed I am to be this boy's mama. It's the greatest gift you could ever dream of... motherhood.
I so look forward to every step that our future holds. Seeing his reaction to the taste of food for the first time, learning to sit up & crawl. Celebrating a first birthday! Walking and TALKING. Oh, it's all too much for the heart to take. But I'm just soaking up every moment that we are in because I know it will all come way too quickly, just like three months did.

Happy 3 months my beautiful boy!


  1. Ah...it all goes so quickly, doesn't it! Mine is only a week and a half old and I'm already freaking out about how fast time is moving. ha. but I guess all we can do is enjoy the moments as they come. Your little man is just too handsome :)

  2. Thank you ladies! :)

    Sara, Lucy is such a doll. Enjoy it mama!

  3. Carrie, I can't believe how handsome he is! And huge! Maggie will be 11 months next week, and only outweighs your boy by 3 pounds :) Loving his cheeks...we need to catch up soon! Hugs to the family...miss you tons!

  4. TARA! Goodness I miss you & always think of you guys when I drive into Humble. We really do need to catch up, let me know when you are free! :)
