February 7, 2011

36 weeks

Goodness. I can't believe we are at 36 weeks. (as of last friday).
I'm huge and really uncomfortable. Doing small things like bending over to open a cabinet is no easy task these days. I really don't see how the next few weeks are going to fit into this belly, baby boy is making me all sorts of sore and anxious for him to come on out. But I know these next few weeks are just going to fly by as we keep marking off our list getting the last few things ready. I've been doing plenty of washing tiny baby things and organizing in his room. Matt has been putting together all of his things from the swing and hi chair, to installing his car seat along with our nerdy "Baby Inside" car window sign:). We still have a few necessities to purchase, and I'll soon be busy training someone to take my place at work. This last little stretch is going to be over before we know it, and we will be holding the sweetest little boy our eyes have ever seen <3


  1. Love that belly! But I'm sorry you've been so uncomfortable these days. I imagine it doesn't feel like there's much more room to grow left in there. That's why I'm just trying to enjoy this last month of the 2nd trimester as much as possible before I start to feel the same way :) hang in there!

  2. Geez...I can't even believe it's almost time!!! I can't wait and I'm so happy!

    Hopefully, I'll be the one you are training! :D

  3. you're looking fab mommy to be :) can't wait to finally meet this little fella!
    sorry you aren't feeling too comfortable though...it will be no time till he is here!
