January 10, 2011

32 weeks

(window reflection)
I'm getting way too creative with my bump photos, wouldn't you say? I have better quality photos from the past couple weeks, I just haven't had the opportunity to sit down with my camera and laptop, but I will load them to the bump tab tonight.
I woke up way too excited this morning. We had a busy weekend but celebrated our 2nd year of marriage! I couldn't be more thankful, Matt is my proof that love and goodness exist in this little world of ours. Saturday morning I woke to find our baby boys crib put together, and it's absolutely gorgeous. A little nursery tour coming soon also. Last week we went to our first birth class which was just as you would expect, a few couples sitting around listening to the instructor and doing little projects with your partner and class. As laughable as it is, I really enjoy the class and look forward to the next few weeks we have left there.
In other news, my pregnancy waddle is in full swing. The pain from my pubic bone widening is pretty intense, but it's amazing to read that it would be completely impossible to deliver a baby without your body doing this on it's own. I can't believe my body is getting all ready to bring this little boy into the world.
Last night, we fell asleep in stillness and smiles as we felt Isaac's hiccups for the first time. So incredibly sweet<3. He also had them this morning, it feels just like a little heartbeat going in my belly.


  1. How cute?!
    Oh my gosh, I love your blog. :)
    -Rylie from www.outnumberedblog.com

  2. oh my gosh how did i miss this?!? you look amazing even in a window reflection :)

    you're getting close girlie...i can't wait to see this little guy :)


  3. This is a way to cute!!
    I love your blog.
    xxo, Jazzie
    (from www.jsheaa.blogspot.com)
