October 5, 2010

Gender Reveal Party

This past week has been amazing.
We celebrated my 21st birthday, found out our baby's gender, and had a reveal party with friends and family.

 Matt made all of the cupcakes for our reveal party and did a fantastic job <3

After dinner we handed out cupcakes and it was so exciting to hear the squeals and laughter when everyone took a bite to find BLUE icing hidden inside!

 This is our baby boy, Isaac Pierce.

        He's so beautiful. It was pretty much the most joyful experience of my life to see our boy moving all over the place, hiccuping, and showing us that he's a BOY
Matt & I were both starring at the screen knowing that we were having a son for a good long while before the ultrasound tech confirmed, She later said she wanted to get another view to make sure it wasn't the umbilical cord before she said anything. I can't even find words to explain the excitement.

As for our little man's name... early on in the pregnancy his daddy woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me we were having a boy and his name is Isaac. I wasn't entirely convinced at the time, but now Isaac is on his way! Pierce is a name that I've loved all along so we decided on it for his middle name.

The meaning of Isaac is "Laughter" and every time I think about his name it makes me think of Matt, and his smiles and laughs, the sweet spirit he always wears. And it makes me hope that our boy will be just like his daddy.

I absolutely can't wait to meet this little man, I'm pretty sure nothing can prepare me for the emotions that day will bring with it.


  1. I love it!! And I'm so glad you're blogging all this stuff out too. We'll have fun memories to look back on one day!

  2. =]
    I know, I heard something a long time ago about websites that make your blog into a book for you, but I haven't read up on it lately. That would be neat though!

  3. Oooo I think I want to look into that too. Surely it can't be that hard. I'm sure Apple has something that can do that..
